Every Community Has A Story To Tell

This Is Ours

Bees, Conservation Kim Lake Bees, Conservation Kim Lake

Bees on Cloudforest One

In June 2022 we were excited to see our first Irish Honey Bee hives moving into Cloudforest One Lahinch, and while it wasn’t the reason we installed the hives, we were delighted to get our first jars of honey in December. What we didn’t know then, was that unfortunately, our hive had gone queenless.

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Bees, CoolPartners Bernard Pender Bees, CoolPartners Bernard Pender

Bees Bees Bees

Bees are some of the smallest, yet most powerful creatures on the planet. We owe a great debt to these incredible insects for their vital role in providing the world with food and other resources. Bees act as the primary pollinators of flowers, trees, and other plants, meaning that without them, many of the fruits, vegetables, and other food sources we rely on would not exis

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Climate News, Biodiversity, Habitat Creation, Wildflowers CoolPartner Community Climate News, Biodiversity, Habitat Creation, Wildflowers CoolPartner Community

Create A Wildflower Patch - One Little Thing

Do you want to Bring Bees & Butterflies into your garden this summer by sowing wildflowers in your garden?

Then, why not try our One Little Thing this week & create a small wildflower patch in your garden.

Each week on our One Little Thing Series, we will have one small action which any individual can take to fight Climate Change, which when done collectively in our community (and beyond) can make a big difference!

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