Sugary Treats on Cloudforest One

We were so sad when our first hives failed on Cloudforest One last year, and we knew we wanted to make sure they thrived when they returned.

We’ve found a new beekeeper, Hergen, who builds his own hives based on Layens and National frame hives, and over the last few months he has gradually reinstated the native Irish Honey Bee population in our Cloudforest One forest, a designated NIHBS conservation area.

Unfortunately, with all the rainy weather we’ve recently lost one of our smaller hives - the girls just didn’t get out to forage enough over the summer. I grabbed an opportunity to watch Hergen feeding the remaining hives that need a boost with a fondant pack, so they’re in the best possible shape going into winter. Have to say, that fondant looked quite tasty!

We also sat down to a delicious treat collected from one of Hergen’s more established hives on another site, some amazing raw honey that went down an absolute treat with fresh Brennans bread and real Irish butter!

Read more about Hergen’s work on our site on our project page.

Hergen giving the girls a packed lunch!

Our own delicious packed lunch!

We have opportunities for CoolPartners who want to get involved and support our mission to bring Native Irish Honey Bees to all our sites along Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way - get in touch with us through the normal channels or by filling in the contact form below for more information.


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