
Tree Planting, Phantom Trees and how Cloudforests are different

Phantom forests are forests which have either failed to come to fruition either because they have died or they have been lost through deforestation. The Philippine's National Greening Programme, which we spoke about earlier, is a prime example of a phantom forest, which was doomed to fail from the beginning. 

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Cloudforests Climate Change Page Has Been Launched

Climate projections for the next century indicate changes in wind speeds and storm tracks; increased likelihood of river and coastal flooding; changes in the distribution of plant and animal species and in the timing of lifecycle events of native species; water stress for crops, pressure on water supply and adverse impacts on water quality and negative impacts on human health and wellbeing.

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Carbon Sequestration CoolPartner Community Carbon Sequestration CoolPartner Community

The CloudForests Carbon Calculator is Here!

We are incredibly excited to announce our very own, Cloudforests Carbon Calculator. This tool has been highly requested by our CoolPartner Community & we are happy to say it is now available.

Our Calculator can be used by our Cool Partners (or any business; big or small) to provide an estimate of your Annual Carbon Footprint. All you need to do is input some simple information regarding the 4 key elements of your business; Electricity, Travel, Waste & Water.

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Climate News, Education, Native Woodlands, Carbon Sequestration CoolPartner Community Climate News, Education, Native Woodlands, Carbon Sequestration CoolPartner Community

Forestry as a Weapon in Tackling Carbon Emissions

There is no doubt about it; forestry is an underutilized weapon in the fight against Carbon Emissions, especially in Ireland. This point has recently been underlined by Forest Industries Ireland (FII), who have said forestry could potentially provide over 300 million tonnes of additional carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration by 2050

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