Cloudforests 2023/24 Impact Report

As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, casting long, warm rays across the landscape, we are thrilled to share the publication of our Impact Report 2023-24, which you can read here.

Why the Summer Solstice?

The Summer Solstice is a day deeply rooted in nature's rhythm. It symbolises growth and renewal. By aligning the release of our Impact Report with this significant date, we emphasise our commitment to harmony with nature and our dedication to the continuous growth and expansion of Ireland's native forests.

Reflecting on 2023/2024: A Year of Growth and Resilience

This past year has been transformative for Our community of passionate CoolPartners has continued to grow as we work to protect and expand Ireland's precious forests.

The Significance of Our Impact Report

The Impact Report 2023-24 is more than a summary of our achievements; it is a testament to what we can accomplish when we work together with our CoolPartners towards a common goal. This report highlights our transparency, accountability, and commitment to measurable outcomes. It serves as a source of inspiration and a call to action for continued efforts in native forest creation and conservation.

A Bright Future Ahead

As we celebrate the Summer Solstice, we also look forward to the future with renewed energy and optimism. The coming year promises even greater achievements as we expand our initiatives, engage more communities, and implement even more biodiversity projects. Together, we can ensure that Ireland's native forests expand and thrive for generations to come.

Join Us in Celebrating and Taking Action

We invite you to read our Impact Reports and join us in celebrating the incredible progress we have made. Your support is crucial in continuing this vital work. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Happy Summer Solstice!


Welcoming Thomas International Ireland to the CoolPartner Community