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Climate News CoolPartner Community Climate News CoolPartner Community

Eat More Vegetables- One Little Thing

Each week on our One Little Thing Series, we will have one small action which any individual can take to fight Climate Change, which when done collectively in our community (and beyond) can make a big difference!

This week we are discussing how Riding your bike, even once a week, instead of driving can make a huge difference.

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Teams/Sponsorship CoolPartner Community Teams/Sponsorship CoolPartner Community

Cloud Forest Endurance Team - 2021 Update

We have big plans for our Cloudforest teams next year. One of the big successes of 2021 was our Endurance Team led by Paul Caldwell. The team is going to be taking part in some amazing events next year and will bring the Cloudforests message to a whole new audience when they take part in the Highland Trail 550. A huge focus of the Team in 2022 will be to promote sustainability through cycling.

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