Eat More Vegetables- One Little Thing

Each week on our One Little Thing Series, we will have one small action which any individual can take to fight Climate Change, which when done collectively in our community (and beyond) can make a big difference! This week we are discussing how Riding your bike, even once a week, instead of driving can make a huge difference.

One of the most impactful things you can do to fight climate change is to make a few small tweaks to your diet. Choosing to eat plant-based more often is one of the most significant ways you can positively impact the environment.

The agriculture industry is responsible for 25 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Animal farming accounts for three-quarters of those emissions.

Livestock naturally produces methane, which is harmful as it heats the earth 20 times faster than carbon dioxide, making it a big contributor to global warming. As well as this, producing a single pound of animal protein requires 100 times more water than producing a pound of grain protein.

As you can see, a small thing like eating more vegetables can make a big difference. So, this week try to eat at least one plant-based meal & do one little thing from the comfort of your kitchen


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