Kilbaha Gallery Announced As CoolPartner 044

We are 044 - A big welcome to Kilbaha Gallery who join our CoolPartner Community today, 04.08.22.

Kilbaha Gallery is a family-run business on the Loop Head peninsula in West Clare. The family has been steeped in the art industry spanning two generations. With a bronze foundry in the family, the sisters-in-law who own and curate Kilbaha Gallery, Ailish Connolly, and Liz Greehy, have a strong foundation in the importance of tradition and quality. Their business is part of the local Tourism network, where sustainable, community-led tourism and an overall ethos of environmental awareness are paramount.

Kilbaha Gallery commented on joining the CoolPartner Community by saying:

“We are very excited about becoming partners with such a great initiative as Cloud Forests. With Cloud Forests already underway on the Loop Head Peninsula, and the fact that the ladies themselves are hugely community-driven, there is a great synergy between the Gallery and the Cloud Forests movement. We are thrilled about the regeneration of natural wild areas, the nurturing of native woodlands, and the planting of further trees, and to know that they are now part of a movement that is directly enhancing the local biodiversity, natural habitats, and overall environment of the peninsula.“

Today 04.08.22, we are 044. Together they are creating forests for the planet with enhanced habitats along Ireland's #wildatlanticway with our CoolPartner community.


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