Cloud Forest Endurance Team - 2021 Update

We have big plans for our Cloudforest teams next year. One of the big successes of 2021 was our Endurance Team led by Paul Caldwell. The team is going to be taking part in some amazing events next year and will bring the Cloudforests message to a whole new audience when they take part in the Highland Trail 550. A huge focus of the Team in 2022 will be to promote sustainability through cycling.

Talking to us today Paul Caldwell commented

"We would like to only use products that have a minimal impact on the environment. We intend to practice what we preach for the benefit of all. Cycling can be a huge part of promoting a better environment but can also contribute somewhat to unwanted waste that is not reusable. We want to help promote companies that are doing what they can to decrease their environmental impact on the planet".

If you know of any companies who are paving the way please let us know and we will happily use their products.

In the coming weeks we will have a dedicated Cloudforests End Team section on our website with regular updates, video logs and podcasts from the team.

sustainability #environment #environmental #team #cycling #makingplanetearthcool #forestry #climateaction #coolpartners #globalwarming #cloudforestteams


The Oak Tree


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