Artane Urban Forest Maintenance

On Friday we were joined by CoolPartners Member First Credit Union, Securitas Ireland and Digicom for a spot of weeding at the urban forest planted earlier this year in St David's College in Artane.

The main unwanted vegetation at this site was grass, which keeps the ground nice and moist but tends to hold the young trees towards the ground. Thankfully we had a lovely sunny morning and the bark mulch made the job of pulling the grass easier.

And an extra shout out to Member First CU for saving the day with the milk for tea break!! 😄

Now the forest is able to make the most of the sunshine over the rest of the summer, and the students will be back on site soon to continue looking after it.

It was an absolute scorcher of a day, so we all slathered on the sunscreen and got to work.

We left the flowering plants like this ragwort for the bees. This site is experiencing mostly grass growing up around the trees, which isn't competing as such, but has pulled some of the young trees down under the vegetation.


Enerpower get stuck in!


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