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Green Energy, Climate News CoolPartner Community Green Energy, Climate News CoolPartner Community

The Growth of Electric Vehicles and our Tesla Road Trip to Cloudforest One

According to the SEAI, at the end of 2021 – there were 45,000 electric vehicles in Ireland. As well as this, new electric cars registration has tripled in the last three years (8,646 in 2021 compared to 4,013 in 2020 and 3,444 in 2019).

In January 2022, New electric car registrations reached their highest month on record with 2,714 registered in January 2022, which is an +178% increase from January 2021. This move towards electric vehicles has been in the pipeline for many years as individuals & businesses have sought ways to reduce their carbon footprint in the face of the major climate crisis we face. 

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