Founders Update

As we reach the milestone of fifty five CoolPartners we have an exciting 12 months ahead ๐ŸŒณ ๐ŸŒบ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿž

1) Integrating Stepping Stone Forests into our Initiative and ramping up the urban forestry end of our climate action - visit if you get a chance to get a flavour of what is in store!

2) Completing our first gift tree grove at Cloudforest One, tagging over 1000 native trees and seeing how it evolves over the coming seasons - Gift trees are still available at

3) Tomorrow we start the planning for our newest gift tree grove which will feature over 5000 native irish trees and a few giants? Photos to follow next week......

4) Launching our new business Cloudforests Technology which will bring all our activities onto the internet with science based data. Coming soon

5) And finally we are in the flight path for our community planting day in October - make sure to register if you are a coolpartner to receive your information pack -

6) Our first hives being installed on Cloudforest five! we have sponsorship and hive support plans launching soon if you want to adopt a colony of NIHBS Native Irish Honeybee Society bees - We will be also launching our first Robo-Hives here as part of our Cloudforests technology offering.

Busy few months ahead, just the way we like it - make sure to follow the Cloudforests page here on linkedin to keep informed or sign up for our newsletter at our website.

A very big welcome to A Plus Security Ltd yet again into our community


Bernard Pender


sunrise sunset at cloudforest 5


Coolpartner 55