Coolpartner 55

Today our community has reached the milestone of fifty five CoolPartners. A very big welcome to A Plus Security Ltd into the CoolPartner community today. Together we will create forests for the planet.

A Plus Security was established in 2010 bringing a combined 60 years of industry experience in providing bespoke design and integrated systems to meet any fire or security challenge. With a client list which includes governments, secure sites, educational, hospitality, luxury brands, VIP’s and many more high profile cliental, A Plus Security demonstrate how there solutions are designed and implemented to meet a variety of requirements, tailored to meet the exact needs of the client.
With offices in England and Scotland, a fleet of vehicles and frequent travelling to service their contracts throughout the UK and Europe, they are conscious of our their carbon footprint and ways of offsetting their omissions and looking to more greener alternatives.
Aron Topping, Operations Director commented: ‘We are really excited to join the Cool Partner community and being part of an initiative that really want to make a difference to the environment. From a personal perspective and having a passion for nature and the ‘great outdoors’, offsetting our carbon footprint and minimising our impact on the environment is paramount to our operations as a business. On reading the work that Cloudforests are doing and its future plans, it was an obvious choice for us to be part of this venture’.

Today 13.04.23 A Plus Security Ltd becomes CoolPartner 055 - to learn more about our CoolPartners and the work we are doing please visit our website at

#climateaction #climatechange #makingplanetearthcool #sustainability #esg#csrinitiative #csrinitiatives #esgisanopportunity #securityindustry


Founders Update


Gift trees