Elm Gray at planting day
Joined Our Community In December 2022
Badges Earned 3
Elm Gray ready to get going with instruction from our woodland manager Kim Lake
The incredible team behind Elm Gray led by Emma Power earned their third CoolPartner badge by attending our CoolPartner Community planting day in November 2023. The company which is a specialist in the interior design and furniture fit out sectors can now add expert native tree planting to their list of skills. The three ladies, Emma Power, Sarah Doyle and Joanna Lawler created their first ELM Gray forest on our iconic Cloudforest One site as part of their CoolPartner membership. They also posted some of the most creative photos we have seen from our Community during a planting event.
Planting Done, Time To Rest
Elm Gray also took the opportunity to plant one of our apple trees in the new orchard located on the site as part of our all pollinator plan which includes the creation of a native Irish wildflower area.
A well deserved celebration at the post planting day awards ceremony. Well Done Emma, Sarah and Joanna !