Today’s Forest Today!

Great to see our impact partners Brennans Bakeries come to Gaelscoil An Chuilinn last Friday to finish off the forest creation they helped start in the Summer.

Over 400 native Irish Trees Planted sponsored and funded by #awsincommunities now making their journey skywards in Dublin 15.

Find our more about how you can support the Cloudforests mission by visiting our website at - we have Irelands and some of the Worlds Biggest Brands helping us make an impact in our CoolPartner community. Photo courtesy of AWS

#climateaction #climatechange #esg #csr #makingplanetearthcool

Urban Forest Benefits

Urban forests, also known as urban green spaces or urban woodlands, are vital components of our modern cities. As concrete jungles continue to expand, maintaining and expanding urban forests has become increasingly important. These pockets of nature bring an array of benefits that contribute to the well-being of both the environment and the people.

Environmental Benefits

1. Temperature moderation: Urban forests provide much-needed shade and help regulate temperatures in cities. The shade provided by trees and vegetation reduces the need for air conditioning during hot summer months, therefore lowering energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Air quality improvement: Trees are natural air purifiers. They remove pollutants from the air by absorbing harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide, while releasing oxygen. Urban forests play a significant role in reducing air pollution and improving air quality, leading to healthier communities.
3. Stormwater management: Trees and vegetation act as natural filters, helping to manage stormwater runoff. They absorb rainfall, slowing down the flow of water, reducing soil erosion, and preventing flooding. By acting as natural sponges, urban forests help to protect water bodies from pollution and maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems.

Social Benefits

1. Health and well-being: Urban forests offer a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of city life. Accessible green spaces allow residents to escape the stresses of urban living and enjoy recreational activities such as walking, jogging, or cycling. Research has shown that spending time in nature has a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
2. Community cohesion: Urban forests serve as gathering places, fostering a sense of community. Parks and green spaces provide opportunities for social interactions, such as picnics, sports, and events. These spaces act as a social equalizer, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together, promoting unity, and strengthening social bonds.
3. Economic value: Urban forests provide economic benefits to cities. Properties located near green spaces often have higher values due to their aesthetic appeal and proximity to nature. Additionally, urban forests can attract tourists, boosting local economies through increased spending on accommodation, dining, and recreational activities.

Ecological Benefits

1. Biodiversity support: Urban forests offer a habitat for a diverse range of plants, birds, insects, and other wildlife. By creating green corridors, urban forests connect fragmented ecosystems, allowing species to move, feed, and reproduce. This biodiversity not only enhances the natural beauty of cities but also plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems' health and resilience.
2. Carbon sequestration: Trees are remarkable carbon sinks, actively absorbing and storing carbon dioxide. Urban forests contribute significantly to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change by reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. By planting more trees in cities, we can combat the effects of climate change at a local and global level.
3. Noise and visual pollution reduction: Urban forests act as buffers against noise pollution, absorbing and deflecting sounds from busy roads or industrial areas. Their foliage also plays a role in reducing visual pollution by providing green screens that shield eyesores and increase the aesthetic value of urban areas.
In conclusion, urban forests bring numerous benefits to our cities. From environmental advantages such as temperature moderation and air quality improvement, to social benefits like community cohesion and improved well-being, and ecological benefits including biodiversity support and carbon sequestration - investing in urban forests is a win-win solution for both our urban environments and the people who inhabit them.


Electro Automation at Planting Day 2023


Elm Gray at planting day