Ava Security

CoolPartner : 015

Joining Date : September 2021

Website : avasecurity.com

Sector : Security

Milestones : Five

As a physical and cyber security company, Ava Security is here to empower organizations to protect people, businesses, and reputations in the digital and physical realms. It was founded to give people a better, smarter way to receive and use security. Ava protects people, property, and data anywhere in the cloud. Innovative companies worldwide use Ava Reveal for human-centric data loss protection and Ava Aware for video security and analytics.

Ava Security is excited to be a CoolPartner with Cloudforests in conjunction with our company value, and technology for good. We are committed to making products for good. Ava is open and honest about what we do, and how we safeguard individuals, privacy, society, and the environment.

Cloudforest Milestones

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