Cloudforest Three

Nearest Town - Doonaha, Co. Clare

Cloudforest Three is located at a beautiful village called Doonaha on the banks of the river Shannon in County Clare.

This is another great addition to our portfolio. Together with our CoolPartners we have creates a forest for the planet at Cloudforest Three.

Located nearby is a Napoleonic gun battery from the 18th century which is one of six located in the vicinity. These were constructed in anticipation of a planned invasion but never saw battle.

This is our second forest site on the Loop Head Peninsula joining Carrigaholt (Cloudforest Two) - a wonderful part of the world for our CoolPartners to visit.

  • Forest Stats

    No. Trees


    Forest Planted

    2020/21 winter planting season

    Species Mix

    Alder, Sitka Spruce, Downy Birch

  • Varied Habitats

    As you can see from the photos taken during our CoolPartner planting day, this is quite a wet location, prone to standing water in areas. We’ve planted Alder and Downy Birch which are both tolerant and even thrive in seasonally waterlogged areas.

    We’re looking forward to developing the wetland features on this site further, and creating some diverse habitats for wildlife on Cloudforest Three.

  • Why That Tree?

    Like Cloudforest Two, on this site we were given a requirement to plant some Sitka Spruce to meet forestry requirements for the area.

    And just like on Cloudforest Two, here in Doonaha we’re working to ensure there’s still as high a number of native trees as possible, as well as meeting the Sitka requirement, to keep our biodiversity mix as high as we can.

    Having said that, Sitka is a carbon-capturing machine! Read more about Sitka Spruce and why it’s not all bad…


Cloudforest Two - Carrigaholt, County Clare


Cloudforest Four - Ennistymon, County Clare