Welcoming GMC Utilities Group

🌳 Welcoming GMC Utilities Group 🌳

Our latest CoolPartner!

With a strong commitment to building a healthier and greener future, GMC Utilities Group is dedicated to delivering services in an environmentally sustainable, economically beneficial, and socially responsible manner.

Elaine Casey, Environmental and Sustainability Manager at GMC Utilities Group, shares her thoughts on our new partnership:

“After extensive research into potential partners, we were particularly drawn to Cloudforests.ie for several reasons. Firstly, their Irish roots mean we have the unique opportunity to physically plant trees and directly contribute to local reforestation efforts. Moreover, our conversations with Bernard Pender, CEO of Cloudforests, were truly inspiring. His enthusiasm for the Cloudforests vision is infectious and aligns perfectly with our own environmental goals. We are excited to roll up our sleeves and make a tangible difference together with Cloudforests.”

Kathleen Lucey commented “We are delighted to join forces with GMC and embark on this exciting journey towards creating a greener future.”

Stay tuned for updates on our joint projects and initiatives!

#Sustainability #EnvironmentalStewardship #GreenFuture #GMCUtilitiesGroup #Cloudforests #CoolPartnerProgramme


Cloudforest One Orchard Bees


Cloudforest Two has a new family!