Use A Re-Usable Cup - One Little Thing

Consumption of Coffee worldwide for 2020/21 is projected to be 167.23 million bags. This is an increase of 1.9% for the year 2019/20. With all this Coffee, comes a lot of waste. We bin an estimated 22,000 single-use coffee cups every hour in Ireland.

Most of these cups are not recyclable. In the UK, for example, one in every 400 coffee cups is recycled. This is because most cups, even if they do contain paper, are lined with plastic to make them leak-proof and heat resistant. Even compostable cups are not the solution. As it is simply replacing one single-use packaging with another.

Bringing your own cup is one small and simple step to help reduce your carbon footprint. If you drink on average one takeaway coffee on weekdays, you’ll save roughly 80-120kg of CO2 a year if you switch to a reusable cup.

Finally, In the coming months, a new 'latte' levy to restrict the use of disposable coffee cups will be introduced in Ireland. So, this week start saving the planet (and your pocket) by using a reusable coffee cup for your morning coffee...


Earth hit ‘Overshoot Day’ milestone on July 28th this year, as it continues to fall earlier every year


Guelder Rose