Urban Forest Volunteers

In the next two/three months we will create over ten Urban forests in the Dublin Region sponsored by the amazing #awsincommunities - This week we sent our first email blast out to our CoolPartner community to see who would put their shoulder to the wheel for the Planet for the coming season, helping with soil preps and getting wonderful native trees in the ground. 🌏

Step up Northwood Technology Ltd as the first to confirm as an Urban Forest Volunteer for 2024. A big thank you to Francine Cabral and Paul Hennessy for your continuing support. NORTHWOOD TECHNOLOGY are one of our original ten CoolPartners - Find out more about them by visiting our coolpartner section at www.cloudforests.ie

In 2023 we had Urban Forest Volunteers from our CoolPartner companies which included Electro Automation Ltd, Usee.ie, CET Connect, Midsummer Ireland , VoltPunks and Brennans Bakeries 🌳

Who will be next?

#makingplanetearthcool #esg #csr #corporatevolunteering #urbanforests #miyawaki #miyawakiforests

*pictured the wonderful volunteers from Brennans Bakeries at a planting event in Dublin 15

Akira Miyawaki: Pioneering the Miyawaki Method
Akira Miyawaki, a renowned Japanese botanist, is celebrated for his innovative approach to forest restoration and reforestation known as the Miyawaki Method. Born on January 29, 1928, Miyawaki's lifelong passion for plant ecology and the environment has significantly influenced conservation efforts around the world.
The Miyawaki Method, developed by Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s, focuses on creating dense, native forests that grow rapidly and sustainably. This technique involves planting a diverse array of indigenous tree species in layers, closely mimicking natural forests. By doing so, the method accelerates forest growth, enhances biodiversity, and restores ecosystems in a relatively short timeframe.
Miyawaki's method has gained global recognition for its effectiveness in combating deforestation, urban development, and ecological degradation. It has been widely adopted in various countries to rejuvenate degraded lands, establish urban green spaces, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
In addition to his pioneering work in reforestation, Miyawaki has authored numerous publications and conducted extensive research on plant ecology and natural forest systems. His dedication to environmental conservation has earned him prestigious awards, including the Blue Planet Prize and the Midori Academic Prize.
Today, Akira Miyawaki's legacy endures through the widespread application of the Miyawaki Method, serving as a beacon of hope for restoring and preserving the world's precious forest ecosystems.


Bees and Winter


Post Christmas Hive Check