Transdev Dublin Light Rail Ltd Announced as CoolPartner 040

We are 040 - A very big welcome to Transdev Dublin Light Rail Ltd who joins our CoolPartner Community today, 09.06.22.

Transdev Dublin Light Rail Ltd is the operator and maintainer of Luas, Dublin’s light rail network.

Around the world, light rail transit (LRT) has become the symbol of a revival in public transportation. With around 400 systems already running in 50 countries and another 260 being built or on the drawing board, light rail is enjoying a new golden age in cities eager to promote more sustainable travel solutions.

Passengers overwhelmingly support a major shift back to a transit system transformed by high-end design and the highest standards of service. Yet LRT does more than just modernise mobility: it also breathes new life into the urban environment. Luas is a classic example of this. Luas has breathed new life into Dublin City and is loved by all her citizens.

Transdev Dublin Light Rail Ltd commented on joining the CoolPartner Community by saying:

“By becoming a CoolPartner we are taking the next step in ensuring we are contributing to future generations in Ireland by investing in forests, allowing staff to invest in forests and educating them on the importance of tree planting as well as enabling them to calculate their carbon footprint which they can now offset through tree planting. 

This is a small step in the right direction to allow us to become a more sustainable company as well as showing our staff and everyone we interact with that we are trying to do the right thing.”


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