Our Very First Community Planting Day - Super Twosday 2022

It’s amazing that we haven’t yet posted about our Super Twosday Community Planting Day, as we usually post numerous times a day, but we’ve only just caught our breath after an amazing two days in the Armada Hotel (Special thank you to Noralynne Murrihy & John Burke).

We’d like to start by saying a MASSIVE Thank You to all of our CoolPartners who made the trip down to Cloudforest Three and planted their miniature CloudForest yesterday. We are happy to report that the gods were in our favour & the rain stayed away (apart from a shower or two). It was great to bring the community together and we hope everyone had a great day.

You’ll be delighted to hear we have captured plenty of content, which we'll be posting across our channels over the next few days, so be sure to keep an eye out 👀

Planning for our next community Planting Day in 2023 has already begun. This will be another incredible opportunity for our next batch of CoolPartners to plant their very own Minature Cloudforest, along Irelands Wild Atlantic Way.

We are a community of businesses who truly care about climate action and #MakingPlanetEarthCool!


Cloudforests Endurance Team Reveal Their Brand New Kit


Planting day is here