Cloudforest One November 2021 Update Video

Every month we visit Cloudforest One and record a video archive to assess how the site is progressing- here is our November 2021 update. This site is in the heart of Lahinch, Co. Clare.

Since our last update video in September we have welcomed 4 more incredible CoolPartners to our community, launched our Gift Trees, brought onboard our first employee and made more progress on "The Shack" - our partner retreat which is currently undergoing a full renovation.

This site was planted with over 21,000 trees in December 2020. We are nearly coming up on one year since the site was established. Time flies when you are building forests for the planet!

#makingplanetearthcool #coolpartners #climateaction #climatechange #wildatlanticway #forestry


90 Days Until Our Planting Day 22.2.22


Gift a tree now