Midsummer Open New Warehouse

It was fantastic to be given the opportunity by our amazing CoolPartner Midsummer Ireland to tell our story at the launch of their new warehouse in South Dublin yesterday. It was amazing to meet so many established, and new entrants to the renewable energy market. Thank you again to Paul Roberts and Katie Popplestone for the hospitality and well run event. It was also great to meet up with Colm Daly from Qcells Europe and learn about their new energy storage product with a whopping 15 year warranty. Also good to catch up with the team from REC and get some more of their wildflower seeds!

Pictured Bernard Pender and Kim Lake - make sure to connect!

#esg #csr #renewableenergy #solarpv #coolpartners #makingplanetearthcool #climateaction #globalwarming #energystorage


Sarah Doyle Fundraising For SVDP


Member First Credit Union