Midsummer Ireland - 1000 Trees — Cloudforests

Today we announce CoolPartners who are starting their journey in our Beyond Cool Programme. Up next is Midsummer Ireland (CoolPartner 039) planting 1000 trees at our flagship Cloudforest 5 site in County Kerry.

Midsummer is a leading distributor of renewable energy systems and products in Ireland and Northern Ireland and a provider of cutting-edge solar design software.

They aim to educate and enable as many people as possible to harness, store and intelligently use renewable energy, including Solar PV, battery systems, EV chargers, off-grid backup, and renewable heating products.

With roots in off-grid, a focus on knowledgeable service and competitive pricing, the Midsummer team has the expertise to help with the design and supply of any system including residential, commercial, and agricultural installations

Special thanks to Paul Roberts, Katie Popplestone & the rest of the Midsummer team for your commitment to the CoolPartner community.


IMS - 250 Trees - Cloudforest 5


Health Services Staffs Credit Union - 1000 Trees — Cloudforests