Do One Little Thing & Change Your Lightbulbs To LED

When it comes to Climate Change, the time for talking is over, it's now time for action.

However, we know getting started with decarbonising your life can be overwhelming... "Where do I start?" "How much can one individual really do?"

That’s why we started a brand new series called ‘One Little Thing’.

Each week, we will bring you ONE small action which you can take, which, if done collectively, can make a sizeable difference in Making Planet Earth Cool!

This week we will discuss how simply switching to LED light can significantly reduce lighting-related energy demand and emissions for individuals & businesses. 

GHG emissions from energy industries accounted for 15.1% of Ireland's national total emissions in 2020, including lighting. Many national initiatives are working towards reducing these lighting emissions, including a national rollout of LED lights to replace the existing bulbs of all public lights currently being rolled out by local councils up and down the country.

This initiative will lead to the saving of 22,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually when completed. It will also lead to the saving of €12m in energy and maintenance costs on an annual basis. However, it's not only large-scale projects like these that make a difference, it also takes individuals to take small actions like replacing their own household lights to LED bulbs. Making the switch to LED may seem like a small action, but if done collectively can make a big difference!

The US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has determined that out of CFLs, and LED bulbs, LED bulbs are by far the most environmentally friendly. This is due in part to the fact that CFLs pose a threat to the environment when disposed of in a landfill because of the byproducts created. When disposed of properly, LEDs are significantly safer for the environment than CFLs.

As well as this, LED bulbs are also longer lasting and use less energy than other bulbs, with the average LED bulb lasting approximately 50,000 hours while only consuming 6-8 watts. On the other hand, incandescent bulbs last 1,200 hours and consume 60 watts. CFLs are slightly better than incandescent, lasting 8,000 hours and consuming 13-15 watts.

Finally, LED lights produce the least amount of CO2. CFLs create 1,051 lbs. of emissions per year. LED bulbs create the least at only 451 lbs. of CO2 per year

In a study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, it was found that replacing only one light bulb in every house in the U.S. with an LED bulb would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 9 billion pounds.

So, as you can see, one little action can make a big difference if done collectively. This week we’re challenging you to do One Little Thing to make planet earth cool & to replace one light bulb in your house with an LED Bulb & let us know how you get on!


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