Cloudforests Impact Report 2023

Discover the amazing impact we've made together! Click here to read our report now.

It gives us great pleasure to be able to produce our first impact report which outlines what we have achieved at Cloudforests with our CoolPartner community since we were founded a little over three years ago. Our first CoolPartners only joined our community in the summer of 2021 and in that time we have grown the community to over fifty four partners at the time of writing.

These are our Coolpartners and full comprehensive list of them can be found by clicking here

In the last three years we have planted over 48,000 trees and developed a wonderful partnership with the Native Irish Honey Bee Society which we resulted in our first hives being installed on our Cloudforest One site. We are now working closing with the society to expand our partnership over the coming year to bring our wonderful native bees to Cloudforest 2 and 5.

Its wonderful to see the breakdown of our CoolPartner community as featured in the report and the incredible support we got from the security industry!

We have only just started and we are delighted to be able to put the impact we are having as a community down in writing to inspire us to do more. Its a real credible testament to all the hard work that our CoolPartners have undertaken in the last few years to make this one of Irelands fastest growing climate action communities.


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