Burren Pine Cloudforest One

Our naturally seeded Burren Pine tree is the centre piece of Cloudforest One - Have you seen it on our live video section of the members area of the Cloudforests website? 🐾🌳🌳🐣

This picture which was captured in late august 2022 shows the pine surrounded by two year old Alder, Oak and Rowan creating a wonderful biodiversity corridor in the heart of C1. Anyone who has visited Cloudforest One always finds this area of the forest magical and peaceful. A wonderful place to have a picnic during the summertime! 🐾🌳🌳🐣

Cloudforest One is a forest created for the planet supported by our CoolPartner community planted with over 21,000 trees, a pollinator friendly gift tree grove, bee hives, miniature bat caves and numerous birds including our very own kestrel. 🐾🌳🌳🐣

visit our website to learn more about our Cloudforest mission and CoolPartner programme at www.cloudforests.ie 🐾🐾🌳🌳🐣

Join the cooltribe - its free and enjoy a virtual visit to Cloudforests One

#climatechange #climateaction #sustainability #esg #csr #greeneducation #makingplanetearthcool #forestry #birdofprey #savethebees #trees #esgstrategy


CoolPartner 051 Reveal Day


Soaring High: Discovering the Amazing World of Kestrels!